Regional healthcare systems and hospitals face different challenges than larger, national systems. However, bigger systems like the Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic help smaller, regional systems by producing marketing and patient education content that can be shared across platforms. While helpful, these digital products (videos, medical animations, illustrations, etc.) are branded for the larger systems, leaving smaller systems with a “CASE” strategy: “copy and share everything.”
CASE isn’t something Nucleus made up. We’ve heard it first-hand from hospitals we’ve worked with! And while CASE works when you’re on a budget, more hospitals are emphasizing the importance of branded, regional marketing. These hospitals want marketing that’s unique to their region and doctors. This desire is often stifled by the lack of an internal marketing or production department in smaller hospitals and health systems.
Nucleus works with hospitals interested in a variety of marketing and patient education media including video, which is becoming one of the biggest trends in hospital marketing and healthcare.
Patient story videos are an effective way to engage patients, and they go beyond the silo content that’s provided by bigger healthcare systems. Patient story videos take many forms and can send a message about how your hospital helped that person through a medical event effectively and compassionately. This type of video reaches consumers through empathy, or “That could be me” mechanisms. Providing your brand, your doctors, and your name in these videos shows that patients can expect the same quality of care from your providers as the featured patient received.
Another form of marketing is patient education. While many hospitals are hesitant to try this type of marketing video or don’t have the internal resources, more healthcare professionals are recognizing that patient education IS marketing. Highlight your regional hospital’s brand with doctor videos featuring content describing conditions and procedures (like high blood pressure and hip replacement surgery to name a few). This type of health literacy content puts your brand out there in social media, on websites and blogs, with an educational component that means you’re looking out for your patients and followers.
Videos like these are enhanced by 3D medical animations like those produced by Nucleus Medical Media. Our sales directors often tell us, “it’s a 3-screen world,” and video looks good on every screen.
What elements of regional marketing are you noticing in the healthcare system?