Healthcare marketers are adding more “you” to YouTube. As consumers increasingly seek medical information online, a growing number of healthcare organizations and providers are posting more videos...Read More
If you read our last blog post, you already learned three ways to increase views on YouTube with SEO (search engine optimization). By following those easy tips for utilizing keywords and thumbnails ef...Read More
Albert Lopez was lifting weights in 2009 when he first noticed the pain in his hip. Within a year, the pain impacted the once-active weight lifter's ability to sit, stand, and even tie his shoes....Read More
Two years ago we were celebrating 100,000 subscribers and the honor of being awarded Google's Silver Play Button. Now we're celebrating 300,000 YouTube fans! ...Read More
Kelly McCulloch was born with a partial blockage of her aortic valve. She always knew she'd need surgery one day. She searched YouTube for videos depicting aortic valve replacement. Watching every vid...Read More
Breaking Down the Silo is a video series for forward-thinking healthcare marketers. This episode will discuss the basics of YouTube, and will answer the question, "How do I optimize video content on Y...Read More